The August meeting date is the last Saturday of the month (due to early voting in the Library meeting room).
Join us on Saturday, August 27 for our August meeting. The Library's doors open at 10 a.m. and the meeting will start shortly after. The Library is located at 100 Coburn Way (exit 210) off I-75 in Sarasota, Fl. Bring a modern quilt for Show and Tell.
The August program will be Free-hand Foundation Piecing by Christine Ravish. See details on the Program tab or click here.
The QuiltCon Community Outreach quilt design sewing day is August 6 in the Library meeting room. Come be a part of the design and build process of this beautiful Colorshift quilt. See details of what to bring for a successful sew day on Groupworks.
The Workshop with Tara Faughnan sign-up is now open to all sister guilds - Manatee Patchwork, Friendship Know, South Sarasota Modern, and the Venice guilds. Please use the contact form on the sidebar to email for registration information and sign-up. For more details see the Workshop tab or click here.
A highlight of the July Show and Tell was the finished Kwandi by Jann W. The African Kwandi information was presented by Nan as a program in May, Jann made it a modern design and check out those perfect hand-sewn stitches!
Upcoming Events:
July 30 - Zoom Sew-in (link in Groupworks Events)
August 6 - Colorshift Design-Sew day at Library
August 13 - Zoom Sew-in (link in Groupworks Events)
August 27* - Meeting
September 12 - 15 - Workshop with Tara Faughnan
September 17 - Meeting
October 15 - Meeting