The February meeting will be Saturday February 18, 2023 at the Fruitville Library. The Library opens at 10 a.m. and the meeting begins shortly after. The Library is located at 100 Coburn Way exit 210 off I-75 in Sarasota, Fl. Bring a modern quilt for show and tell.
The Program will be two fold - an entertaining presentation by Lynn P and a "Soup-In" with our sister guild South Sarasota Modern. Bring a mug, spoon and click here for more details.
Highlights from the January meeting were colorful! And Lenore's Rice Bag January program was a hit! See some clever bags in January's Show and Tell.
Our Airing of the Quilts was a big success! Balmy sunshine throughout the day made it spectacular with the quilts swaying under the palms on a breezy day. Click here or on tab for next years information.
Congrats! to our own co-founder Carole Lyles Shaw for being the featured quilter on the Jan 2023 Quilt Show! Click here for more info or on the Notable tab.
Upcoming Events:
February 18 - meeting and Soup In Luncheon
February 23 - 26 QuiltCon in Atlanta
March 18 - meeting and Gifting Quilt sew-in
April 15 - meeting
April 20-23 - Retreat at Daysprings