The January Challenge quilt is due this meeting. For more information on this Solids Only! Challenge see the Challenge Tab here.
January's program is on Quilt Journals. Bring a share on how you journal your quilts. Terrie Morgan will show us how to make a journal cover from pieced fabric. For more information and supplies see the Program tab here.
New sew days have added for your enjoyment and camaraderie in sewing. To see a listing of Sew Days click Activity tab here.
Back by popular demand, a second Transparency Workshop by Christine Ravish is on Saturday, January 25, 2020. For supplies and information see the Workshops tab here. Sign-up on Groupworks or use the contact form with Transparency Workshop in Subject on this website's side bar.
The highlight of our annual Holiday Party was the SMQG pin created from our logo and presented to all members by Jodi G and Carole Shaw, the co-founders of the guild. Thank you!
December is the annual distribution of the Sallie House quilts. 125 quilts were donated with 25 children in-house selecting quilts. For photo's and more information see the Community Outreach
page here. A special thank you to Jodi G and to all who make this program so successful.
Upcoming dates -
January 3, Friday - Sew Day
January 18, Saturday - Meeting and Solids Only! Challenge due
January 25, Saturday - Transparency Workshop
February 1, Saturday - Airing of the Quilts
February 15, Saturday - Meeting
February 19-23, QuiltCon, Austin, Tx