June meeting

 The June meeting will be on Saturday, June 15 at 10 am at the Fruitville Public Library meeting room. The Library is located at 100 Coburn Way, exit 210 off I-75 in Sarasota, FL. Bring a modern quilt for Show and Tell.

The Program will be How To Read a Quilt Show Entry Form and what do jurors and judges think? Presented by Linda Swanson and Frieda Anderson. Both have shown in many Quilt Shows with Frieda winning Best Machine Quilting 2022 at QuiltCon. Click here for more info or on Program tab.

Our sister guild South Sarasota Modern has openings in their Zoom Cityscapes Improv Workshop by Peter Byrne July 13-14, 10-3pm. For more information  click here or on Workshop tab.

Our 2024 Gifting Blocks were revealed at the May meeting. Click here or on Gifting tab for more info.

A highlight from Show and Tell was Marjy's sparkling scrap quilt! To see all May Show and Tell  click here or on 2024 Show and Tell tab.

Upcoming Events:

June 15 - meeting -  program - Quilt Show Info

July 20 - meeting - program - Christmas in July

August 17 - meeting - program -Sarah Goer Lecture

September 21  - meeting - program - Paint a Quilt with Glue Resist

October 19 - meeting - program - Sew-in of Gifting Quilts

November 16 - meeting - Circus Challenge due